A RESTORATION fanatic who converted a rusty VW campervan into an alternative hearse has become its first passenger.

Mick McDonald had joked that the job “would be the death of him” but, in a sad twist of fate, he suffered a fatal heart attack on September 17 at the age of 50.

Mr McDonald created the campervan for Carl Bell, who runs Retro Farewell, and transformed a rusty, unloved turquoise campervan into a sleek white hearse for those who want to travel to their funeral in style.

At the time of Mr McDonald’s death, the vehicle was awaiting its finishing touches and had not yet been used but, after hearing the news, Mr Bell offered the hearse to Mr McDonald’s family as a tribute to his life and work.

Mr Bell, from Newton Aycliffe, drove the hearse to Mr McDonald’s funeral, followed by a number of friends driving hot rod road cars, which were Mr McDonald’s other passion.

Mr Bell said: “Mick transformed the whole thing from a lump of scrap to the beautiful vehicle it is today. It was down to him the body work and the spray painting was done.

“Obviously he was not expecting to die, it was so sudden, but within minutes of hearing about his death I offered his family the chance to use the hearse.

“His partner was over the moon, it was the only option really after all the work he had put in to it. He had to be the first person to use it.

“He would often say to me, ‘Carl you are working me too hard, this is going to be the death of me’.

“He did say that if he died before me I had to give him a freebie.”

Mr McDonald’s funeral was the first opportunity for his family to see his finished work, which now has a small plaque that reads “Handbuilt by Mick McDonald, who passed away”.