A COUNCIL meeting descended into chaos when police had to be called to eject two members.

Officers were called to Ferryhill Town Hall, in County Durham, on Monday night where a special meeting of Ferryhill Town Council was being held to discuss replacing former executive officer Jamie Corrigan.

He resigned from the council this summer and has filed a claim for constructive dismissal which could go to an employment tribunal in December.

The press and public could not attend Monday’s meeting, but it is understood that, soon after it was opened by chairwoman, Mayor Amy Rimington, a row broke out.

Councillor Brian Gibson questioned whether consultant accountant Derek Shingleton had the authority to prepare a report and take minutes of the meeting.

Council leader Councillor Pat McCourt said legal advice had been taken and it was appropriate – particularly given that the council’s acting executive officer, Derek Snowball, could be interested in the post being discussed.

Coun Gibson refused to accept the explanation and repeatedly called for answers to his questions.

Members voted to bar Coun Gibson from the meeting and called the police to eject him.

He remained in the chamber but was not able to participate.

Councillor Tommy Garrett, a fellow independent member, then raised similar issues and objected to Coun Gibson’s exclusion and was also voted out.

When three police officers arrived 20 to 30 minutes later, both men left peacefully.

Coun Gibson said: “We tried to get answers, got none and were told to get out of the meeting. We left and the officer gave me a lift home.

“I’ll go to the next meeting and if we want to raise points of order, we will do.”

Coun Garrett said: “Democracy is dead in our chamber.

Coun McCourt will not allow debate and because of Labour’s majority just moves progress when we ask questions.”

Coun McCourt said: “Coun Gibson was shouting across the chamber, talking over everybody and calling into question and making accusations about Derek Shingleton.

“It prevented us getting on with the business of the meeting, was upsetting some members and bullying and intimidating to a member of staff.

“Coun Garrett followed suit, so after the same warnings was also ejected.

“I’m sure the police have better things to do, but I could not let it continue.”

No further police action will be taken, but several councillors are considering referring the incident to the Standards Committee, which monitors councillors’ conduct.