Had a chat with Jackie Hammond this week and she was telling me how Cockfield firm, J R Teesdale, has sponsored a Clay Pigeon Shoot for Teesdale Gun Club.

Jackie, who has been secretary of the club for the past 2 years, said she was delighted that Philip Teesdale, director of the electrical firm, had introduced a trophy that members could compete for.

The event at Bail Hill, Mickleton on Sunday 14th October at 12.00pm, features 25 DTL.. that’s ‘Down The Line’ to those of us that don’t shoot, but a quick look on Wikepedia explains all.
The traditional DTL shooting includes a layout which is set up with 5 stands in a crescent shape 16 yards from a trap house which throws a target between 0 and 22.5 degrees to either side of a centre post set 50–55 yards from the trap house. The average speed for a clay target leaving the trap house is usually between 60 and 100 mph.

A normal competition would have the competitor shooting at 100 targets in total in a day. This would be built up of 25 targets at 4 different layouts with 5 targets shot on each stand rotating on a 1 > 2 >>> 5 basis. On the scorecard points will be given as, 3 points for first shot kill, 2 points for a second shot kill and 0 points for a lost target.

Sporting and Air Rifle shooting is also available on the day and newcomers are most welcome.

For further details contact Jackie: 07773047883