THE controvesry over Northallerton ’s revived Septemnber fair, held last weekend, flared again at this week’s town council meeting.

Members voiced their displeasure at the lack of proper consultation with them and local traders over the event in the town’s High Street.

And they are now contacting Hambleton District Council and North Yorkshire County Council to express their disapointment with both authorities over the issue.

Many businesses have already spoken out over the lack consutation and have since been urged to set up a chamber of commerce to have their say and be more easily informed about events and issues.

Town councillor John Coulson told this week’s meeting: “The consultation was terrible. There’s no doubt about it. There was no liaison with anyone.”

Coun Jim Turnbull said the first most traders knew of the event was when the advertising bills were put up. “A lot of the general public felt a lot of displeasure at being put out again,” he added.

As well as complaining to the district and county authorities, the town council is also planning to put together a questionnaire to send to local traders to allow them to have thjeir say.

Councillors also plan to consullt with their constituents to gauge their reactions and get their feedback.