An RAF helicopter and four lifeboats joined a rescue operation when a pleasure boat began to take on water two miles out to sea today.

The rescue happened off the coast of Redcar  after three anglers on board the Ocean Pearl contacted the Humber Coastguard at 9.10am about the emergency.

Three vessels in the area and two lifeboats from Hartlepool and two from Redcar went to help and due to the rate at which the boat was taking on water, a helicopter from RAF Leconfield was also summoned.

The Ocean Pearl was being towed back to shore when the decision was made to beach it at Redcar.

Graham Dawson, watch manager at Humber Coastguard, said: "We were extremely concerned at the rate at which the Ocean Pearl was taking on water and so it was imperative that we had rescue resources on scene as soon as possible should the situation worsen."

Dave Cocks from Redcar RNLI, added: "Fortunately by the time the first Redcar lifeboat arrived a nearby fishing boat had managed to attach a tow line to the sinking boat and was making slow progress towards the  beach.

"The crew of the sinking boat had donned lifejackets and were using their bilge pump to try and get rid of the water, but there was too much water coming in.

"Our lifeboat crew transferred over a salvage pump, but even using that was only just keeping the water level steady."

Once the fishing boat had been towed close to the shore at Redcar, lifeboats from Hartlepool and Redcar manoeuvred alongside and between then drove the stricken craft onto the beach.

Mr Cocks added: "This was a good combined effort by the fishing boat which came to assist and the lifeboats from Redcar and Hartlepool. The crew of the sinking boat had done the right thing in raising the alarm using a VHF marine radio and had put their lifejackets on."

Arrangements were made later in the morning for a trailer to be brought from Hartlepool to recover the boat from the beach.