RESIDENTS of a cul-de-sac have spoken of their shock after being woken by a herd of cows stampeding through their gardens.

After escaping from a nearby field, the 30-strong herd headed up an alleyway before arriving near Larkfield Road, in Harrogate , North Yorkshire.

Resident James Lee, 20, a salesman, filmed the cows and their calves from his house on the street, at 6am on Sunday morning.

Mr Lee said the cows wandered around the street for five minutes, leaving hoof prints six inches deep in a number of lawns. before trotting back to their field.

He said: “It was a quite a confusing sight to wake up to, very odd and extremely surreal to see at that point in the morning.

“When I heard the noise I first thought it was a family member in the house snoring, but then I took a look outside.

“I think most people on the street found it quite amusing really, it’s a bit different for a Sunday morning.”