AN ALCOHOLIC released from prison with £50 subsistence money was found unconscious later that day after blowing it all on booze, a court heard.

John Reintoul has made 319 court appearances - including 72 for being drunk and disorderly - and 114 for breaching anti-social behaviour orders (asbo), the first of which was handed out 11 years ago.

The 59-year-old, who has received jail sentences ranging from one day to 42 weeks for countless asbo breaches, lodged an appeal at Durham Crown Court against the length of his latest sentence imposed after he became abusive in Bishop Auckland.

Instead, Judge Peter Kelson, sitting with two magistrates, increased the 20 week sentence by six weeks, adding: “He’s made subject of asbos to try to preserve the Queen’s peace and he’s breached them repeatedly.

“If we had the powers we would have increased the sentence further.”

The conditions of the latest asbo imposed by Durham magistrates, in 2010, banned him from being drunk in public, drinking alcohol when drunk, behaving in a disorderly manner and intimidating and abusing people anywhere in England and Wales.

Nigel Soppitt, prosecuting, said that Reintoul had flouted the order several times, the most recent in Bishop Auckland, on May 9, after a spell in prison for another asbo breach.

The court heard police were called to Newgate Shopping Centre where a man was reported to be lying unconscious, at 10.25pm.

Paramedics and police attended and a female officer recognised him from previous drunken episodes.

"When approached he sat up abruptly and verbally abused the officers,” said Mr Soppitt.

It emerged that on his prison release earlier that day he was given £50 subsistence money, which he spent on alcohol, he added.

When interviewed he could not recall the incident, but said he didn’t think he would have used such language as he was "fond" of the female officer.Reintoul, of no fixed abode, admitted the latest breach at a recent hearing before Newton Aycliffe magistrates and received a 20-week prison sentence.

Appealing on his behalf against the sentence, Shaun Dryden said: "He’s 59, with an appalling record. He’s effectively a man with no house and who is alcoholic, so it’s difficult for him not to find himself in breach of the order."

Increasing the sentence, Judge Kelson said: "Mr Reintoul has got to take responsibility for his affairs otherwise he could receive sentences extending up to a maximum of five years."