A DRINK-DRIVER who damaged four parked vehicles, including a camper van about to be used by a honeymooning couple, has been banned from driving for a year.

Andrew Jackson, 49, ploughed into the £30,000 Volkswagen T2 camper van which just-married Gavin and Laura Copland had packed up ready for their trip to France.

The couple managed to salvage their trip, sleeping in a tent lent to them by the best man, rather than the cherished vehicle.

A further three vehicles were damaged in the early hours crash on The Bank in Barnard Castle, County Durham, last month.

Blair Martin, prosecuting, told Darlington Magistrates’ Court: “Mr Jackson had been enjoying an evening of karaoke at the Golden Lion public house in Barnard Castle.

“He told police that he had five pints of lager but decided to give a friend a lift home.

“An argument then began and he crashed into the parked cars.”

Representing himself, Jackson, who pleaded guilty yesterday to drink-driving and careless driving, said that he had only got into the car to give a friend’s daughter a lift home after finding her “unconscious on her feet”.

He said: “I had to get her home. I looked round for a taxi but had no luck so quickly got her and her friends into the car.

“As I was driving they started arguing in the back so I foolishly turned round to tell them to shut up.

“I don’t think I crashed into four vehicles. It was like a domino effect, I hit one which hit the other which hit the other.

“My insurance have already told me that they won’t be paying for my car so I am £1,500 down before you even fine me.

“I definitely will not be driving again. I’ve got the money together for a push bike.

“I am terribly embarrassed and ashamed of myself.”

Jackson, of Stainmore Close in Barnard Castle, gave a reading of 55 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath. The limit is 35.

He was fined £210 for drinkdriving and banned for 12 months. He was also fined £105 for careless driving and ordered to pay £100 costs.