THE chief constable of Cleveland Police and his deputy have both been suspended while an investigation into corruption within the force continues.

Chief Constable Sean Price was one of three people arrested on Wednesday morning as part of a corruption investigation into Cleveland Police.

The Deputy Chief Constable, Derek Bonnard, was also one of those arrested.

The two men and a female were being interviewed at a police station in North Yorkshire following the early morning raids today.

An investigation was launched in May into the activities of Cleveland Police with Warwickshire Police leading the probe, with the support of detectives from North Yorkshire Police.

A Warkwickshire police spokeswoman said: “Police officers conducting a criminal investigation into a number of people with current or past associations with Cleveland Police Authority and the manner in which the authority may have conducted some of its business have, this morning, arrested three people on suspicion of misconduct in a public office, fraud by abuse of position and corrupt practice.

“Two men and a woman were arrested and have been taken to a police station in North Yorkshire where they will be interviewed later today. A number of premises are being searched in connection with these arrests.

An extraordinary meeting of Cleveland Police Authority took place this morning and a statement was expected to be released later.

The Independent Police Complaints Commission released the following statement: "The IPCC can confirm that it has been informed of developments and would anticipate referrals from the police authority." Nobody from the Home Office was available for comment.