Our hero ‘Tupper’ has got himself a new job with Darlington Borough Council and it hasn’t taken him long to make an impression!

I was chatting to Kenny Chambers, a lad who is now working with Tupper and he was asking me if I knew of him. “Of course” says I, “he’s the most famous resident in Cockfield. Why, what’s he been up to?” I enquired.

Turns out that Ken was driving the ‘works’ van with Tupper as his passenger. “We came to some traffic lights,” says Ken “and they had just gone to amber. Being in a rush to get back to the depot, I put my foot down and drove through BEFORE they went to red!” “Whoa!” says Tupper. “You went through them on GINGER!”

Back in the Middle House at the weekend and Rob Wilkinson caught Tupper as he walked through the door. “Where’s you’re Neville at?” “I don’t know,” says Tupper. “ASK HIM!”

And finally, in a week which has seen a hat-trick of Tupperisems, comes this little beauty.

Our hero walks into the pub sporting a brand new pair of jeans.

“I recognise them!” says Ronny Kelsey. “£6 a pair at Asda!”

“NAH!” says Tupper. “I paid £12 for TWO PAIRS!”

You really couldn’t make it up!!