THE DEVELOPMENT of an alternative sport in Wear Valley remains on ice - but organisers hope it will not be for much longer.

Plans are in hand to bring New Age Kurling, a sport similar to curling but played on a smooth surface other than ice, to the district.

It is hoped a league can be set up, and members of the Escomb New Age Kurling club, which is the only one of its kind in the district, recently organised sessions to test the water.

They played friendly matches against other voluntary groups, including the Wear Sport for All club and Blind Life in Durham (Blind).

Both organisations now aim to develop their own kurling teams for the potential league.

Chairman of Blind, Jim Welsh, said it had been difficult to find suitable sporting activities for the group.

He said: "Given the equipment and rule adaptations, kurling is a perfect sport for disabled and able-bodied persons to compete together."

Wear Valley District Council's Inclusive Fitness Initiative project aims to increase opportunities for disabled participation in sport and activity. At a meeting of interested groups, several preferred activities were suggested, including kurling.

Anyone interested in starting a New Age Kurling club is asked to call (01388) 765555.