THERE was a surprise in store when the family of meningitis victim Robbie Jones went out for lunch.

Durham City Lions Club members were waiting to hand over £300 for the appeal to buy the youngster prosthetic limbs.

Robbie, now four, of Bowburn, County Durham, had to have his legs amputated as a result of the disease, but is now learning how to get around on his artificial legs.

However, he will need new ones as he grows and his parents, Wayne and Jill, set up a fund to pay for them.

The Lions raised more than £2,000 by selling raffle tickets to groups enjoying Christmas meals at the Bowburn Hall Hotel, Bowburn, Durham.

Having given money to causes such as The Great North Air Ambulance and Help for Heroes, the club asked hotel manager Craig Hoye if he could think of a cause in need of help.

“I thought it would be nice if we could help Robbie because he is a local lad.’’ Robbie’s father, Wayne, said: “It was all a surprise.

We went out for a meal and then these people came in and gave us the cheque. It was out of the blue and it was very good of them. It was a brilliant surprise.

“Robbie can walk with his prosthetic limbs. He can be a bit unsteady, but he is fine on flat ground.

“He is due to be measured up for a knee joint on his right leg in March. That could set him back a bit, but it will benefit him in the long run.”

For more information about the fundraising appeal, visit