A COLLECTION of vintage wear, jewellery and accessories from recycled goods and reclaimed materials are to form part of a fashion show with a difference.

Dozens of artists, craft makers and fashion designers are working on the collection to be exhibited later this month.

The fashion show is part of the Choose2Reuse campaign and has been organised by the York and North Yorkshire Waste Partnership.

Its aim is to combine fun and fashion with practical solutions to help people save money and the environment.

It takes place in Harrogate’s Royal Hall on Saturday, January 22, at 7.30pm.

County councillor Clare Wood, chairwoman of the waste partnership, said: “Fashion creators of all kinds have seized this opportunity as a great chance to show their skills in creating exciting designer items from unwanted materials.”

Tickets, priced £10 and £5 for concessions, are available on 0845-130-8840 or at harrogateboxoffice.co.uk