The vet put my dog on Metacam. I gave her one dose.

Diarrhoea late that night. Did not give her anymore Metacam. Two days later, vomiting but no diarrhea. No blood in diarrhea. She has appetite and energy. Will this resolve itself? I fed her cooked rice this a.m. which she ate with gusto and has so far stayed in and not vomited. Is it possible she would have problems from one dose of this terrible stuff 2 days later? Thank you. Hope to hear soon.


Dear Dianne, It is very unlikely that this vomiting and diarrhoea is related to metacam. Most of these non-steroidal drugs can cause a transient bout of vomiting about five days after medication has started. There is no evidence that metacam causes diarrhoea and it would not occur after one dose.

Andrew Geldard