GUIDE and Brownie leaders rediscovered their roots with a visit to the North-East site of the first official Scout camp.

More than 600 leaders visited Look Wider Cairn, Humshaugh, Northumberland, where Lord Baden-Powell, founder of the Scout and Guide Movement, took youngsters on the first Scout official camp, in 1908.

Over a weekend during which they were based at Durham’s St Hild and St Bede College, they also explored Durham and Alnwick Gardens and enjoyed a musical evening at the Tyne Theatre, in Newcastle.

The event was held to celebrate 100 years of guiding.

Leaders shared stories of local celebrations and fundraising activities held over the past 12 months.

Pat Bennett, one of the leaders, said: “This was a fantastic way to celebrate 100 years of guiding and it was great to hear everyone’s stories about the adventures they’ve taken part in this year.

“Visiting the site of Baden-Powell’s first official camp was wonderful – hardly any of us knew this special site was in the heart of the North-East.”