THE fight to save a popular music centre from closure has been won.

The Forum Music Centre, in Darlington, faced an uncertain future because of difficulties accessing £80,000 of funding.

However, last night, Humantics, a community interest company (CIC) that has been working with Darlington Borough Council to save the Forum, said it had received confirmation of £110,000 of funding from development agency One North East to enable it to take over the venue.

The announcement comes as an independent review of Humantics’ business plan, funded by the council, concluded the centre has sound prospects for the future.

It means that Humantics can access an £80,000 loan from Darlington Borough Council thanks to security provided by Venturesome, part of the Charities Aid Foundation.

It also means that Humantics will be able to open the Yamaha Music School and the North-East office of the CIC Association.

Dave Cox, the founder of the Forum and a Humantics board member, said: “I am delighted.

“This new structure allows our vision to be realised. It has been a complex process, but now the prospects look good to allow the project to move forward as a sustainable venture with a long-term future.”

When it was announced that the Forum may have to close, thousands of users campaigned to keep it open.

Council leader John Williams said: “The results of the business plan review give a strong indication about the future of the Forum and we hope our involvement will eventually help create a thriving business that does not need to be dependent on public money.”

The Forum provides a venue for music and performance arts with recording studios, performance areas and rehearsal rooms.

Humantics has recently strengthened its board with the addition of Sharon Paterson, the assistant dean of the school of arts and media at Teesside University.

Humantics director Allison McKay said: “Humantics CIC is unique as it is a community interest company that has been set up to take over an independent, commercial organisation.

“Therefore, this new status is quite an achievement for the town and the region.”

A Friends of the Forum group has been set up to raise £30,000 for the venue.

It has raised £10,000 so far, with donations welcomed at or the Forum on 01325-363135.

Forum supporters are invited to join celebration drinks from 7pm next Saturday.