Police are hunting two men who beat up the elderly owner of a jewellers during a raid this afternoon.

The pair walked into Barnard Castle Jewellers in Barnard Castle, County Durham, at about 4.30pm - locking the door behind them.

They then punched the man - who is aged in his 70's - several times before fleeing with an unknown quantity of jewellery.

Their victim was taken to Darlington Memorial Hospital. His injuries are not thought to be life threatening.

Kevin Tuck, Neighbourhood Inspector fopr Teesdale and Weardale, described the robbery as "callous and cowardly".

The first raider is described as Asian, in his late teens or early 20's, 5ft 4ins tall and of stocky build. He wore a dark hooded top with a camouflaged jacket and dark trousers.

The second man is believed to be white, in his late teens or early 20's, 5ft 4 ins tall and of slim build. He wore a dark hooded top and tracksuit bottoms.

One was seen carrying a distinctive khaki green bag with orange or yellow handles. They are also believed to have left a rope behind, described as yellowish in colour, which was dirty or oiled.

After leaving the shop, they headed down Galgate and up Marshall Street, along Vere Road, returning to Galgate via Baliol Street - leading police to believe they were unfamiliar with the town.

Insp Tuck said: "We believe these two would have been quite distinctive in Barnard Castle and we don't know how long they were in town before they committed the offence."

Tonight he appealed to anyone who may have have seen them in the town either before or after the robbery or who may recognise either the bag or rope to come forward.

Anyone with information should call 0345 60-60-365 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800-555-111.