Well I have to say since my last blog It’s definitely been a roller coaster ride, just when you think things are starting to turn around they come crashing down again.

Friday 1st October will be a night that I remember for the rest of my life. We had been lucky enough to receive an invite to a reception held by the British High Commissioner, which we expected to be a waste of our time, turned out to be worth every minute!

We arrived at the venue in our ‘posh frocks’ and straight away I was blown away with what I saw. A beautiful white stone house over-looking a pool and the biggest garden I have ever witnessed, all lit up with fairy lights - it was truly magical. If that’s not enough for you, the food on offer fresh for us which was certainly the tastiest food I have ever had and an open bar… yes an open bar! We basically wined and dined all night networking with people in different professions, it was awesome.

Saturday was the happiest I had been since arriving in Delhi, so heading to my training session I was very confident that it would be successful. Was I right? Of course not. I met my Australian supervisor Mark Schroder and his assistant Amanda Lucas (aka Mans), also Australian.

Before I become negative about the day, I have to let you know that I have never met harder working people in my life. The effort that both Mark and Amanda put in to their jobs is pure quality. It is just unfortunate that the Indian employers are not as motivated.

To keep it nice and short the Saturday and Sunday training was pretty much non-existent due to the systems being down, adding more pressure to Mark and Amanda who now had more worries on their minds. As a result of this, we surfed the net all day, very frustrating as it takes one hour to get to the stadium I work at so you could say I wasted my time.

So Sunday night, the big one, could India pull it off? I have to say they did indeed. Unfortunately I could not go as my pass does not grant me entry, but my fellow students and I watched it on TV and were left speechless at how fun, exciting and colourful it looked.

Things they had been lacking from day one were suddenly being thrown all over, it was wonderful. Everyone who was involved in the show looked amazing and you could tell they were having a great time. The Australian couple who I mentioned previously whose names are Meg and Neil O’Leary were asked to walk with the Nigerian Team, since then she has done nothing but brag to me about how grand it was and how she met all these athletes, Yes I am very jealous!

I have been working now for two days and things are going very good, I am working in the press operations office, where there is a team of 7 people which include two of my fellow students Gemma and Kezia plus two Indian workers Neha and Ash (his nickname from us English as his real name is to hard to pronounce or even harder spell!) The work side is going fantastic, we are able to watch all the games of netball being played throughout the day to help us draw together questions to ask the athletes after the match has finished. We are in charge of gathering flash quotes from what the players, coaches and team managers have said and putting it into the system that now works and then heading to the press conference room if there is one.

“I put my team into psychological testing and it worked as we got double figures.”

This was the quote of the day, I managed to interview the Papa New Guinea netball coach whose team had just lost to previous gold medallists New Zealand and who are also ranked 2nd in the world. I asked her how she prepared her team to play against a big team and that was her answer, it had all of us in the office rolling with laughter!

Although the work side is going well, the food situation is starting to tick me off, the food that we are being served is disgusting, hence the phrase ‘dog food’ in the title of this piece, but then again I don’t think I would even allow my dog to eat what they are serving us. I have complained so many times to the Indian workers, as usual most of them do not care. I found a hair in my rice the other day which was the final straw. I’m not going to lie I have lost my temper with them because of the way they treat me. I feel like a child sometimes not a 20 year-old woman.

Today they did have their version of sandwiches available for the volunteers and a few biscuits, notice how I say their version, if you can call one slice of cucumber smothered in mayo a sandwich!

Apart from the food being absolutely awful, I am very much enjoying the experience that I am gaining; however it would be better if there were more spectators coming to watch the games, I overheard the Australian coach Norma Plummer say in an interview that her players did not invite their friends and families due to security reasons.

Now that I have began working, I will keep you more informed about what is happening over here. Apologies that I have not posted many blogs, to be honest you would have been bored reading. Before now not much was happening, but things can only get better which I believe will.

Based on information supplied by corrina dalby.