HEALTH bosses have announced plans to change the way some patients are treated at two of the region’s hospitals.

The Friarage Hospital in Northallerton is to be developed as a centre for planned surgery, but acute stroke care is to be concentrated at James Cook Hospital in Middlesbrough.

The proposed changes, which are supported by North Yorkshire County Council’s scrutiny of health committee, will mean about 290 suspected stroke patients from Hambleton and Richmondshire a year will be given clot-busting injections at James Cook University Hospital in Middlesbrough rather than at the Friarage.

Trust management also wants to develop the Friarage as a centre for planned, or elective, orthopaedic surgery for treatments such as hip and knee replacements.

If the plan goes ahead it will mean that the treatment of trauma, such as injuries caused by road traffic accidents or other accidents, will no longer be provided at the Friarage’s accident and emergency department but at James Cook.

Patients with injuries will continue to be seen at the Friarage’s accident and emergency department but anyone needing emergency surgery would be taken to James Cook. After surgery these patients will return to the Friarage.

The other major change is to create a new ‘hyperacute’ treatment unit for patients with suspected stroke at James Cook hospital.

The plan is for patients to have access to specialist stroke consultants, rapid diagnosis and a 24 hour, seven-days-a-week clot-busting service.

The trust also intends to improve follow-up stroke care at the Northallerton site, which will retain its current number of beds.

However, the trust has warned that the changes to the stroke service depend on being able to recruit stroke specialists.

Councillor John Blackie, who represents the Upper Dales on North Yorkshire County Council, said: “We were absolutely reassured that there would be no impact on A&E at the Friarage and they are totally committed to continuing 24 hour care.”

Anyone wanting to comment can email the trust’s director of planning Jill Moulton at jill.moulton@ or ring her on 01642-854343.