A HEN-pecked man who was nagged for 30 years before he stabbed his partner to death was jailed for four years and eight months today.

Dennis Long, 59, was cleared of murder and convicted of the lesser charge of manslaughter on the grounds of provocation following a trial at Newcastle Crown Court.

Despite hating violence, he killed 60-year-old grandmother Judith Scott, the partner he had lived with for three decades, after years of abuse which included being beaten with a poker.

On the night in March that he snapped at their home in North Shields, North Tyneside, she had called him weak, a pansy, a poof and told him she should wear the trousers and he should be in a dress.

He stabbed her in the arm and twice in the chest, and she died at the scene.

Immediately after the attack, he rang 999 and told the call handler: "I just lost it - she gave me grief so I knifed her."

The killing followed Long telling Ms Scott he had been abused on the way home from the pub by a local bully, but that he would not take it further with police.

During their relationship, she repeatedly beat him with an ornamental poker, nagged him and even broke his thumb, the court heard.

Sentencing, Judge John Milford told Long: "You are a placid, unassertive, rather weak man."

He said the defendant was full of genuine remorse and was a hard-working man of previous good character.

The judge said the killing has to be seen against a background of 30 years severe conduct by the deceased and some physical abuse as well.

As Long was led away, Judge Milford paid tribute to the dead woman's daughters, Kerry and Paula, who were brought up by Long.

They both made victim impact statements in which they said they could not hate their killer stepfather.

Judge Milford said: "I would like to express my appreciation for their dignified behaviour throughout and my admiration for their candour.

"In the light of what happened, it can be no easy thing to record things as they actually see them.

"I hope in the fullness of time there will be healing of the wounds that they have suffered through the loss of their mother."

The judge said there had been cumulative provocation over years.

It differed from classic cases when a wife killed her abusive husband because Long, the family bread-winner, could have walked away.

Long did leave his partner on occasions, but always returned, telling the jury it was because he loved her.

In a statement outside court, Kerry Scott said: "Many people knew my mam and what she was like and, even though at times she was difficult and strong in character, we all loved her very much.

"Mam has left a big hole in all our lives and we will always remember her with a smile.

"She was grandmother to Karl, Christopher, Natalie and Lauren.

"Her first great-granddaughter was born after she was killed."

Paula Scott's victim impact statement was read out in court prior to the judge's sentencing.

It said: "When I now look back at what happened, I cannot understand why Dennis did what he did.

"All I can think is something inside him must have snapped.

"I also feel guilty that I do not hate him.

"Knowing Dennis as I do, I also believe the guilt for what he has done will live with him for the rest of his life.

"Dennis has done the worst thing in the world to us - he has taken our mother.

"But I cannot hate him.

"He has been the only dad I have ever known and I still think of him as my dad.

"He has always provided for us and been there to support us.

"He was the nicest man you would ever meet and he hated violence and swearing, which is why I find it so hard to understand what he has done."