THE mother of a teenager who died in mysterious circumstances after a nightclub altercation has spoken of her son’s final days.

Almost a year after Nathan Allen, 19, died following a fall outside Darlington club Inside Out, his mother, Jayne Petre, recalled her painful memories as he lost his fight for life.

The 41-year-old has dedicated herself to raising money for the intensive care unit at The James Cook University Hospital, Middlesbrough, where her son was treated.

Speaking yesterday, after handing over £606 to the hospital, the first of what she hopes will be many contributions, Mrs Petre paid tribute to her son, known as “Eggy” to his Darlington friends.

She said: “He was a lads’ lad, one of the boys and just enjoyed what boys enjoy doing. He had lots and lots of friends.”

Nathan was raised by his foster mother, Barbara Howard, from the age of five, and grew up on the town’s Skerne Park estate.

The accident happened in the early hours of November 1 last year after a Halloween party.

It is thought Mr Allen was involved in an altercation inside the Beaumont Street nightclub before being ejected by doorstaff.

He then waited outside the venue. But when the other man involved in the scuffle was also ejected, Mr Allen approached the doorstaff.

He was held off, but lost his footing and fell. He suffered serious head injuries and died a week later on November 7 without regaining consciousness.

Two doormen were arrested but were released without charge.

Mrs Petre said she was told of the incident the morning after it had happened. She immediately left her home in Carlisle for Middlesbrough.

“I had a feeling on the car journey over, I don’t know if it is a mother’s instinct, but I had this gut feeling that he wasn’t going to come home,” she said.

“As soon as I saw him I knew, it was surreal, to see your child lying in a bed with tubes and wires and machines doing his breathing for him.”

Mr Allen’s family sat with him for the next six days, until he died on the Saturday morning.

“We were called in at about 8.30am to be told his heart was failing,” said Mrs Petre. “The machines were going mad. The doctors tried all sorts, but his heart had started to close down of its own accord.

“They were trying to stabilise him. We agreed that he had had enough and it was time to let him go. He died at 9am.”

Mrs Petre will join Mr Allen’s brother, Anthony, 21, in doing a sponsored head shave to raise money for equipment at the hospital.

To help her, please email or call 01325-505072.