A BEAUTY pageant hopeful is urging the region to get behind her quest to become Miss England.

Courtney-Anne Proudlock is one of 50 contestants in the Teen Queen 2011 competition.

But the 17-year-old needs to get enough votes to finish in the top two to qualify for the next stage, which would see her travelling to Africa to take part in charity work.

Courtney-Anne lives in Barley Close, Hartlepool, and works for her family business, Bed, Bath and Beauty, in Queens Arcade, Darlington.

The former High Tunstall College of Science pupil said: “I’m a dancer and I’ve been told by lots of people that I should take up modelling.

“To get this far is great, I would love to do more.

“I would love to get to go to Africa, where there will be a modelling contest with people from the village.”

She said that she hopes the contest could lead to an attempt at the Miss England title.

The voting lines are open until 11.30pm on October 15. To vote for Courtney-Anne, text her full name, Courtney-Anne Proudlock, to 84205.

Visit teenqueen.co.uk for more information.