I don’t often publicize events outside of Cockfield but I feel that this case is an exception.

Jean Peairs was an Evenwood lass who sadly passed away in June through cancer aged 65. She was not only a popular figure in her home village but was a well known and frequent visitor to the pubs and club in Cockfield; indeed, she was a friend of mine for many years.

Many of you in the village will know Jean’s daughter, Marie Carline, who used to work in the Co-Op and has been living in Cockfield for some time now.

Marie and her sister Trina have organised a charity event at Evenwood Club to honour their late mother, with all proceeds going to Cancer Research.

Along with entertainment from local band ’Burnt Houses’ there will be a grand raffle and auction, food will also be available.

The event takes place on Saturday 23rd October 7.30pm - 11.30pm.


Any raffle donations would be greatly appreciated.

For more details please contact Marie at…………… marie.carline@yahoo.co.uk