YOUNG performers from the region will hold their last rehearsal today before lending a hand to a national touring production.

The youngsters from Stagecoach performing arts schools across Tees Valley will form the choir for the production of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat, at Darlington Civic Theatre.

They will form two choirs to perform at the 12 shows, from next Tuesday to Sunday, October 17.

One of the choirs will also go to York to take part in a performance at the Grand Opera House, on November 6.

The Stagecoach schools are in Yarm, Darlington, Guisborough, Nunthorpe, Hartlepool, Northallerton and Bishop Auckland.

Trudy Hindmarsh, principal of Stagecoach Darlington and Yarm said: “We have done this for the past four years so it seems they are pleased with what we do. The kids are all so excited about it.”

Tickets for the Darlington show cost from £13.50 to £26, from 01325-486555.