POLICE believe a gang of travelling criminals was behind a spate of purse snatches in a city centre.

The thefts took place around the Market Place, in Durham, between 1pm and 2pm on Thursday, September 30.

A number of purses were taken from handbags and shopping bags.

On some occasions, one crook distracted the victim - sometimes asking them to read instructions on food items after claiming they were unable to read or understand them for themselves - while another gang member made the snatch.

Durham Police say an organised gang from outside the area may be travelling to the North-East to commit such crimes.

Paul Anderson, neighbourhood inspector for Durham, asked people to be aware of their property and shopkeepers to call the police if they see anyone acting suspiciously.

He said: "I would ask everyone, especially the elderly, to make sure when they are out shopping not to leave purses, wallets or handbags unattached.

"Do not leave them lying on counters or trolleys and ensure all bags are secured or zipped up.

"It is amazing to see how many people wander through the streets or shops with their bags wide open, exposing all the contents. It is easy pickings for organised thieves. Please take care of your property and do not become a victim of crime."

Anyone with information on the thefts is asked to call Durham Police on 0345-6060365.