I AM writing to express my disgust at Darlington Borough Council for taking all the money from the cars who are selling at the football club’s weekly car boot sale, £10 a car.

Is there one bit of private enterprise left in this town that John Williams and his motley crew do not financially rape?

Instead of taking money out of Darlington Football Club, why don’t they move the town hall, lock, stock and barrel up to the Arena?

The councillors could then use the suites as the town hall chamber rooms and hold as many concerts per year as they require.

They certainly seem hell bent on refusing the football club to host many. We could then flatten the current town hall and have a purpose-built 10,000-capacity stadium erected at our spiritual home, Feethams.

Out-going council leader John Williams has not made any right decisions over the years, wouldn’t it be fantastic if he finally managed to get one right.

Gavin Ellis, Darlington