A MAN who bit off part of his girlfriend’s nose has been sent to a secure hospital for the protection of the public.

James Stubbs, 37, from Darlington, was diagnosed as suffering from paranoid schizophrenia, Teesside Crown Court heard.

He told police that his attack on the woman was a blur because he could not recall the night it happened.

Shaun Dodds, prosecuting, said Stubbs had been violent to her previously during their two-year relationship.

The couple had never lived together, and that night, in January, they went out drinking in separate groups around pubs in Darlington.

They met up and he started to shout at her. After they parted, he began sending her offensive text messages.

When she arrived home, she found that French windows into the garden had been broken and he was in her sitting room. He jumped up from the sofa and punched her seven times in the face and then he pulled her head towards him.

Mr Dodds said: “He pulled her face forwards and he bit the end of her nose, causing it to fall off.”

In an interview, his partner said: “His teeth sliced the skin and it was removed from my body. The loose piece of skin ended up on the floor and he said ‘you’ll have to go to hospital’.”

Stubbs took her to his sister’s home and then she was taken to hospital. The end of her nose had been removed, a tooth had been knocked out and she had black eyes and bruising to her cheek.

She had several skin grafts to try to reconstruct her nose, and faces another operation this month. Mr Dodds said she was still concerned about being disfigured, and that it has had a devastating effect on her.

Judge Peter Armstrong said: “It seems to me that she is bearing with great fortitude the effects upon her, and from the immediate treatment it seems that great improvement has been made in her condition.”

Dan Cordey, in mitigation, said that psychiatrists reported that Stubbs was mentally ill at the time and that he was still suffering from paranoid schizophrenia.

He said: “His family, who are in court supporting him today, are anxious that he receives proper treatment in the right environment where he is safe.”

Stubbs, of Wylam Avenue, Darlington, who has previous convictions for robbery and actual bodily harm assault, was given an unlimited hospital order after he admitted wounding with intent.

An earlier indefinite restraining order remains in force.