A DRUG dealer who unwittingly sold heroin to an undercover police officer was last night starting three-and-ahalf years behind bars.

Anthony Richards was arrested after becoming embroiled in the sting operation in Middlesbrough town centre in May last year.

After being charged and released on bail, the 26-yearold got in to further trouble when he was involved in a dispute with his former partner.

In between the drugs operation and the row with his exgirlfriend in March, he was given a suspended prison sentence for dangerous driving.

Yesterday, he received three years for the heroin offences, two months for damaging a car and had four months of the suspended term activated.

Teesside Crown Court heard that he damaged a car belonging to his former partner after an argument at his house about access to their son.

He carried out six transactions with the undercover officer which amounted to 20 wraps of heroin worth £110, said Harry Hadfield, prosecuting.

Graham Silvester, mitigating, said: “The defendant is realistic he faces his nemesis today, and rightly expects a custodial sentence.”

Richards, of Ruby Street, Middlesbrough, admitted supplying Class A drugs, and was found guilty by magistrates of the March 15 criminal damage.