Some say ‘Paul’ the octopus is psychic because he correctly predicted the outcome of world cup matches, others say it was luck, but whatever it was, I had the exact opposite effect!

After England’s second game against Algeria I really didn’t fancy us to win the world cup and started to look towards my second team Italy. A quick scout round the shops in Darlington and I found an Italian T-Shirt, wore it once and, what happens, Italy don’t even get to the last sixteen!

The following Sunday and we all know what happened against Germany; I need to find another ‘team’ to support, just to keep the interest going!

Now call me fickle if you like, but I’d just won a raffle prize of a voucher for JJB Sports and so, on Thursday after work I popped down and bought myself the Brazil ‘away’ top. Sure enough come Friday, Portugal eliminates them and I hadn’t even had the chance to wear the dammed thing!

So, who to support now?

The Dutch had been playing some scintillating football and although I also had a fancy for Spain, my mind was made up during a visit to Hexham, when I spotted the brightest ‘orange’ T-Shirt I had ever seen. Do you see a pattern emerging here?

And so, by buying the T-shirt, the fate of the Dutch was sealed and of course the Spanish - the team everybody else in Cockfield were supporting - won the world cup!

Back to ‘Paul’ the octopus.

Last Friday and Tupper calls in the shop for a haircut; He’s a regular client and the price of his haircut is a pint. Mind you, it takes me less than 5 minuets to cut his hair and at £2-50 a pint it’s not a bad rate, or it wouldn’t be if I ever got the pint!!

“That octopus is PSYCHEDELIC” says Tupper.

“Aye lad” says I, “It does seem strange how he does it.”

“It’s clever too” says our hero, “Getting the muscle out of that box with its TESTICLES!”

‘Aye’, it’s a funny old game!