AN asthmatic police officer who risked her life to pull a husband and wife to safety from a blazing house has won an award.

PC Sarah Lacey, of North Yorkshire Police, was off duty when she came across a house fire in York.

She received the North-East regional award for her bravery at the 15th Police Bravery Awards, in London.

She went to investigate an alarm and smell of smoke at the house and called the fire brigade, then saw a man choking on smoke hanging from a bedroom window.

PC Lacey grabbed a ladder and helped him to safety, but was told a woman was trapped inside.

She headed back inside with a man when a large explosion caused the kitchen glass to explode.

Rushing upstairs they managed to find the woman and take her to safety.

PC Lacey then performed first aid until the emergency services arrived.

Paul McKeever, chairman of the Police Federation of England and Wales, said: “PC Lacy’s bravery epitomises the essence of what makes a truly great officer.

“She has shown that, whether on or off duty, the safety of the public is her number one priority, above and beyond that of her own.”

PC Lacey met Prime Minister David Cameron at the ceremony, organised by the Police Federation of England and Wales and The Sun.