A LONG-SERVING art teacher will open an exhibition of work by some of her pupils.

Diane Castle, who is retiring from Thornaby Community School after 33 years, will be guest of honour at the opening of the exhibition, featuring art and textiles course work by GCSE students.

Miss Castle, who is head of art, originally taught at Arthur Head School, which later became Bassleton, and more recently was renamed Thornaby Community School, following amalgamation with The Dene.

She said: "Things have changed a lot over the years - the work the students do now is far more demanding. They've got to be aware of past and present artists and different cultures, and there is a much wider range of materials and techniques available to them."

Miss Castle said she had mixed feelings about retiring. "I'm looking forward to it, but I'm going to miss the kids and the routine. I've got a lot of friends on the staff, and although I will still see them socially, I'll miss working with them. But I'm leaving the department in very good hands."

She added: "It's going to give me an opportunity to concentrate on my own painting. I do landscapes and seascapes, which I have had to neglect because of work."

The school exhibition includes paintings, textiles and 3D pieces, as well as some unusual hanging weavings and sculptures.

Textiles include soft furnishings for children's bedrooms, as well as clothing for children and adults.

Councillor Alex Cunningham, Stockton Borough Council's cabinet member for children and young people, said: "The quality of the work is just stunning. We have a lot of artistic talent here. It's a wonderful testament to the dedication and creative input over the years of Diane."

The exhibition opens tomorrow, from 6pm to 8pm, at the school in Baysdale Road, Thornaby.