There is plenty for our political leaders to continue to debate - plenty of areas of disagreement - as the search for some kind of credible government goes on.

But it is worth reflecting this weekend on something upon which we can all agree.

No matter whether we support Tory, Labour, or Lib dem policies, we can all join together in saluting the 3 Rifles whose homecoming march attracted thousands to Edinburgh yesterday.

The 3 Rifles are the North-east's battalion, forged out of the remnants of the Durham Light Infantry, and they recruit heavily from our region.

Here at The Northern Echo, we have been proud to support the wristband appeal aimed at raising money for the families of 3 Rifles who have been killed or badly injured in Afghanistan.

And they have indeed paid a heavy price. In a seven-month deployment to Helmand province, 30 members of the battlegroup have been killed and many more badly injured. A number of the victims have been from our region.

Northern Echo reporter Rachel Wearmouth was among the crowds in Edinburgh on Saturday, talking to some of the North-East lads taking part in the homecoming parade, and her report and pictures will be published in tomorrow's paper.

Whatever the political arguments about the decision to send our troops to war, there is no doubt that they have done an outstanding job for their country.

On that, we can all agree.