A CANNABIS addict who had been arrested for drugs offences six times previously is today behind bars for dealing from his home.

Stephen Mack had the threat of a suspended prison sentence hanging over his head when his house was raided in October last year.

The sentence was imposed on 42-year-old Mack at Teesside Crown Court in July 2008 for possessing cannabis with intent to supply.

He was told by a judge that if he committed any more offences during the next two years, the 52-week term could be activated.

On October 20 last year, police raided his home in Lancaster Way, Thornaby, after stopping someone nearby with drugs.

A stash of cannabis bush was found on a worktop, and hidden behind a dummy electricity socket was more of the drug.

Richard Wilson, prosecuting, told Judge George Moorhouse that the total value of the cannabis recovered was more than £400.

Mack was quizzed and bailed, and in March, police visited his home again and found two one-ounce bags in a bedroom wardrobe.

He was jailed for a total of 21 months.

Mack pleaded guilty to possessing Class B drugs with intent to supply, simple possession and breaching the suspended sentence.

The court heard that he had cannabis convictions from 2001, 2003 and 2007 as well as the one in 2008 which led to the suspended sentence.

Nigel Soppitt, mitigating, told Judge Moorhouse: "You will not be startled that he has had a heavy cannabis habit for 17 years.

"He accepts that he was selling it from his home and tries to explain the reason for that was to pay for his 150-a-week habit."

Mr Soppitt said Mack's business failed and he ended up in debt, and started dealing to help pay off creditors as well as fund his habit.