TWO Good Samaritans helped an off-duty police officer save the life of a 20-year-old woman last night.

The woman was threatening to jump from a bridge at junction 58 of the A1(M) at 7.30pm.

She had climbed over the fence, onto which she was holding, above the southbound carriageway of the busy motorway on West Auckland Road between Darlington and West Auckland.

An off-duty police officer from the Durham force and two members of the public - a man and woman - saw her and rushed to her.

The officer tried to speak with the woman but received no response.

When she moved away from the fencing and towards the traffic below, the officer lunged over the fencing and grabbed hold of the woman to prevent her falling onto the motorway.

The two members of the public helped the officer to bring the woman to safety.

She was taken to hospital where she was receiving medical attention for her ordeal.

Police took the details of the female member of the public who helped in the drama.

However, the man had left the scene before his details could be taken. Police would like him to get in touch on 0345-60-60-365.

Were you any of the people involved in the incident? Contact our reporters on 01325-505069.