A MAN who attacked a police officer after drinking two bottles of vodka was yesterday jailed for 15 months.

Peter Thompson lunged at PC Paul Trippett when the officer said he was going to search him on October 27.

He threw several punches, hitting PC Trippett’s head and face before he was dragged to the ground.

Thompson, 36, landed on top of the officer and squeezed his neck as youths gathered nearby in Thornaby.

Richard Wilson, prosecuting, said the gang was goading Thompson and encouraging him to assault the PC.

As PC Trippett tried to handcuff his suspect, Thompson again punched him and had to be sprayed with CS gas.

After back-up arrived and Thompson was taken away, he continued to be abusive and aggressive. At the police station, he was found to have a small bag of amphetamines.

Thompson, of Hampden Way, Stockton, admitted assault occasioning actual bodily harm and possessing a Class B drug.

Robert Mochrie, in mitigation, said: “He acknowledges that his behaviour on that day was utterly appalling.

“Not only does he deeply regret his erratic and violent actions, firstly due to the suffering that must have been caused, but his friends seem to have turned their backs on him. People in his community are thoroughly ashamed of him – and quite right.”

The court heard that PC Trippett suffered bruising to his head and injuries that required dental treatment.