Darlington’S new MP has promised to put the town’s needs before those of her party.

Jenny Chapman was elected on a majority of 3,388 on Thursday by voters in Darlington to be the town’s first homegrown MP in a generation.

She is also Darlington’s first female MP.

Following her election, she said: “It’s 30 years since Darlington had a homegrown MP.

I just think that’s what we need right now. We need someone who is going to champion our town, fight for our town and belief in what Darlington can be.”

She has already met a number of key people in the town and said she wished she had had time to meet more since she was chosen to succeed Alan Milburn in December.

Among her first jobs, she wants to meet Stephen Eames, chief executive of County Durham and Darlington NHS Trust, Raj Singh, chairman of Darlington Football Club, and Chief Superintendent Andy Reddick, the new police commander in Darlington.

She also vowed to keep a town centre office, something she opened during her campaign.

In 2006, Mr Milburn moved out of the town centre to Lingfield Point.

Mrs Chapman said: “I want to be Darlington’s representative in parliament rather than Labour’s representative in Darlington.

“It is about being an MP for here.”

At the time of speaking to Mrs Chapman, no clear decision had been made on who would be in power in Number 10.

But Mrs Chapman added: “There are going to be some tough decisions whatever government we end up with.

“When that happens we need to make sure that Darlington is well served.”

Mrs Chapman saw the Labour majority in the town reduced from more than 10,000 – an equivalent of a 9.1 per cent swing to Conservatives.

However, she was pleased to hold a majority of more than 2,000 in a traditionally marginal seat and praised her party team for their hard work.