Villagers joined a family in mourning yesterday to pay their last respects to a popular postmistress who was found dead in her own home. Joe Willis reports.

NEARLY seven weeks ago, the body of Diana Garbutt was found in the living quarters of the post office and shop she ran with her husband, Robin.

A murder inquiry was launched immediately.

Yesterday, Mrs Garbutt’s grieving mother and sister gathered with other family members outside the village store in Melsonby, near Richmond, North Yorkshire, waiting for her coffin to arrive.

After the hearse pulled up, the family walked slowly behind as the vehicle made the short journey to St James’ Church.

Hundreds of friends and villagers – about 300 by one count – were already inside.

Agnes Gaylor, Mrs Garbutt’s mother, who runs the Boot and Shoe pub in Gowdall, near Selby, North Yorkshire, was visibly upset and was comforted by others as the coffin was removed and carried through the churchyard.

Flowers which accompanied the coffin included messages of sympathy.

One read: “From all your colleagues at the post office.”

Another said: “Dear Diana, always missed, never forgotten.”

Inside, the Reverend Stan Haworth told the packed church that he had been asked many times in recent weeks about the small village’s reaction to the violent death of Mrs Garbutt. His reply was always the same. He said: “Bewilderment.”

The vicar said the service was a time to “give thanks” for Mrs Garbutt’s life, adding that it was also a chance to “comfort one another in the hour of need”.

He described Mrs Garbutt as a “special person who had touched so many lives”.

Mr Haworth also spoke on behalf of the postmistress’s family.

Speaking for Mrs Gaylor, he said: “I can’t imagine my life without Diana.

“She loved a party and a good laugh; that’s how I will remember Diana – always laughing.”

Her mother said Mrs Garbutt had friends in the UK, Germany and America.“People all over the world are mourning her loss and will forever be saddened by the news that shook us all,” she added.

Mrs Garbutt’s sister, Victoria, who lives in the US and who the postmistress was due to visit days after she died, also spoke through Mr Haworth.

The church heard how the sisters were best friends.

Victoria recalled how her sister once hung her out of the window by her feet when they were children.

“In my heart, and in Rowan’s (her son) heart, her spirit will live on,” Mr Haworth said on her behalf.

The service included hymns, prayers and bible readings.

A period of reflection was accompanied by the Bette Midler song, The Rose.

The service was followed by a private committal at Darlington Crematorium.

The postmistress was found dead in the living quarters of the post office on March 23 after police responded to reports of a robbery.

Detectives initially appealed for help to catch a man wearing a balaclava and armed with a gun.

However, Mr Garbutt, who did not attend yesterday’s service, was arrested in connection with his wife’s murder three weeks into the investigation. He was charged and appeared in court, where his barrister indicated that the 44-year-old would deny murder when he returned to court next month.