We were flying by the seat of our pants so much that they are well and truly threadbare.

But it's always a great relief to wake up after election night to see that the paper has got it right.

The swings were so inconsistent as the night wore on that it was impossible to be sure what the outcome would be.

Early editions to the outlying areas of our circulation area had to be away by 12.30am and we went with: "Cameron heads for election victory but power hangs...IN THE BALANCE."

The story was updated but there was no reason to change the headline when final edition was sent to the press at 2.30am.

Here I am, with the time approaching 10am, and it's still "In the balance" so I'll happily settle for that.

In the meantime, our web team have continued through the night, making sure all the results, analysis, pictures and video are up to date on www.northernecho.co.uk.

That's another election night done and dusted - we're all knackered - but the story is a long, long way from being finished yet.

We have a country that clearly wants change. The people of Britain don't want Gordon Brown as Prime Minister but they don't fancy David Cameron either.

And, in the end, the temptation to vote for Nick Clegg couldn't overcome the feeling that it would be a wasted vote.

Britain has voted for change - but it will be days before we know what form that change will take.