PLANS have been approved for a sheltered housing development for elderly residents.

Golden Living Ltd will build 56 units on the former Chris Myers Garage site, in Guisborough Road, Nunthorpe, after councillors approved the application.

The site will be redeveloped to include 39 one-bedroomed and 17 two-bedroomed apartments, a warden flat, communal residents' lounge, guest suite, laundry room and bin storage.

The application was unanimously approved by Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council's planning committee on Wednesday after more than an hour discussing the development.

Parking will be provided at the back of the site, which will include 16 spaces, for residents and visitors.

Access to the development would be off Guisborough Road and the building could be up to three-storeys high.

Nearby residents objected to the application on several grounds, including the height of the building, the increase in traffic, increase in parking and the loss in business from customers not able to park near the local shops.

Residents also said the development would block the view of Roseberry Topping and raised concerns about flooding.

But a report to the committee said the development would not spoil the appearance of the area.

It stated: "The location, siting and design of the proposed buildings on the site are such that the minimum separation distances are achieved. It is considered that there would be no loss of privacy. In all other respects, it is considered the development would have no material affects to warrant withholding permission.

"Concern has been raised regarding potential flooding at the site. Northumbrian Water has raised no objections to the development and has been negotiating with the developer to achieve a satisfactory scheme.

"Ultimately, it will be for the developer to ensure adequate disposal of surface water at the site."

Speaking after the decision, committee chairman Councillor Peter Spencer said the development would be of benefit to the community.

He said: "It is in an ideal place for the residents.

"They have a local shopping community nearby and it is ideal for bus services, etc."