CHILDREN at a Darlington school are being offered a positive and nurturing touch to help them relax in class.

Darlington Primary Care Trust is introducing a massage programme at Mount Pleasant School.

Children are being taught in pairs to massage, through clothing, the back, arms, shoulders and head to help improve concentration, develop increased respect and boost skills.

The routine is introduced gradually and all the massage strokes have easy to remember names such as ice-skating, baker and climbing the rope.

Children ask permission of each other before they begin and say thank you when they finish their routine.

Peer massage is being linked to a reduction in playground bullying and aggression and it also teaches children about good and bad touch.

Teacher Wendy Bryan said: "This was a whole school decision to introduce the massage programme. We felt it would help the children sensually and emotionally. The children really enjoy it and are keen to try it out on their parents at home."

Early years practitioner Alison Welsh said: "Children are not normally encouraged to touch each other in schools and some found it hard to accept that it was okay with permission. It is a nurturing and positive approach to touch and if there are any aspects the children do not like, they do not have to take part."