A RESIDENTS' group in east Cleveland has been given a base by a local housing association.

Coast and Country Housing has provided a home for the residents' association on the Westfield Estate, in Loftus.

Based at 12 Westfield Walk, Community House will be used as a drop-in centre, offering a range of activities, from fundraising coffee mornings to playgroups for youngsters.

Local professionals, including the police and council representatives, will also use its facilities.

Coast and Country's development partner, Frank Haslam Milan Limited, provided the resources to refurbish the property, which is in the main road into the estate. It now has a reburbished kitchen and bathroom, doors, windows and heating system.

Steve Adey, Coast and Country's area co-ordinator, said: "We wanted to provide a focal point for the local community, and this house, which has stood empty for over three years, seemed like the ideal base."

Margaret Atkinson, chairwoman of the Westfield Residents' Association, said: "We wanted to give the estate some purpose and direction, and provide the youngsters with a more constructive way to spend their free time.

"Through the centre, I hope we can build bridges within the community by encouraging individuals to play their part in shaping the area in which they live."