Q My husband's State pension is £103.76 a week and mine is £50.60. He has a works pension of £177.74 a month. We pay £196.96 a month in rent and £89 council tax. We have £13,000 savings. Can we claim anything?

A Certainly. You are due benefits of about £50 a week. About £9.50 Pension Credit, £12.90 Council Tax Benefit and housing benefit that will reduce your rent to about £13.71 a week.

Q I will be 65 in July and entitled to a State Pension of £135.59 a week. I currently get £114.05 a week but pay no rent or Council Tax. Will I have to pay anything out of my State Pension?

AYou get the full rent and council tax rebates that go with your £114.05 Guarantee Pension Credit. You will lose this when your State Pension rises above it, but you will be due Savings Credit of about £9.27 a week. You will then have to pay rent of about £8.39 a week and council tax of about £2.58 a week.

Q My husband earns £12,700 a year and I am a full-time mother with my second baby on the way. During the past tax year to April, his income was about £27,000 and I was working too. Can we get any help to manage on our reduced income?

AIf you claim Tax Credits, your initial award will be based on last year's income. You must then give an estimate of your likely income for this year and your award will be increased accordingly.

Q I took voluntary retirement in 2001 through ill health and have a works pension of £900 a month. I had paid enough contributions for my State Pension. My wife and I each have more than £15,000 savings. Can I claim anything before my State Pension is due?

A Your income is too high for any low-income benefits.