STUDENTS have been calculating the cost of drinking and smoking.

Darlington College students set up a sobering display as part of a health and social care course.

They warned their fellow students of the damage binge drinking and smoking causes and calculated how much money the habits cost.

People visiting the exhibition were also asked to pick up a coin from the floor while wearing goggles which recreate the effects of alcohol on eyesight.

A pickled liver and models showing the damage smoking causes to human organs were also on display.

Student John Docherty said: "I worked out how much smoking cost each student and they were amazed to discover that, if you smoke 20 a day, that is almost £1,500 a year."

Student Katrina Mitchell said: "Ultimately it can kill you as it affects the brain and liver. But then there are other possible side- effects too, such as those surrounding unprotected sex."