STUDENTS who have made an invaluable contribution to the running of their school have received a national accolade for their efforts.

Six members of the school council at Longfield School, in Darlington, have been given the Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Award.

They were Hayley Jenkins, Tom Watson, Claire Lincoln, Stephen White, Keeley Barkley and Laura Young.

They were presented with certificates recognising the work they have undertaken to ensure students have a strong voice in school matters and the positive contribution they have made to the community.

The school council has raised funds for several charities and been involved in a host of activities throughout the year, including having a say in the appointment of catering contractors for school meals.

Earlier this year, the school council gained a Bronze Youth Charter Award, recognising its on-going commitment to the school. Headteacher Keith Cotgrave said: "We are thrilled to see members of the school council getting such high praise."