COUNCIL bosses are taking a lesson from the household fridge - to rate the energy efficiency of their buildings.

From today, North Yorkshire County Council will display energy efficiency "labels" - resembling those displayed on electrical goods - on ten of its buildings.

Later, the authority will start putting labels on other public buildings, including schools.

The A3-sized certificates will allow visitors to see at a glance how efficiently the building uses energy and water.

They will be updated each year and the intention is that they will demonstrate annual improvements.

The county council is hoping to improve efficiency by putting better practices in place, encouraging council staff to use less water and energy, and installing energy saving equipment.

An energy saving device - known as the powerPerfector - has been installed and is predicted to save thousands of pounds a year in energy costs at County Hall, in Northallerton.

The device recognises that electrical equipment, such as computers, use less than the 240 volts supplied in the UK and reduces the voltage accordingly.

Carl Les, the county's executive member for corporate services, said: "This important campaign will enable people to see how we are doing as well as encourage us to improve."