THE first countryside ranger has been appointed in Darlington to help people enjoy the outdoors

Ruth Congreve, a former ranger with Northumbrian Water, will work at the Maidendale Fishing and Nature Reserve, for Darlington Borough Council, helping people living in the Moorfield estate, Firthmoor.

She will also encourage more people get involved in the development of the four-year-old Maidendale reserve, on the edge of the estate.

She has already organised several events for the spring and summer, including fishing tuition, nature walks, practical conservation days and craft days.

The first event will be on Wednesday, April 19, when a fishing exhibition, tree planting, boardwalk construction and crafts will be taking place around the reserve.

Miss Congreve, whose post is part-funded by the Environment Agency and Government single regeneration budget, hopes people will feel comfortable talking to her about issues in the area. She will also give information about the rare wildlife on the reserve.

David Lyonette, Darlington council's cabinet member for regeneration and planning, said: "Ruth is Darlington's first ranger dedicated to a nature reserve and we are hoping she will make a real difference to the area by encouraging residents to get involved in this amazing natural facility on their doorstep."