A Darlington soldier has returned from a freezing exercise more than 100 miles in to the Arctic circle.

Gunner Steven Hughes, along with 300 men from the 29 Commando Regiment of the Royal Artillery, endured temperatures down to minus 26 Centigrade in northern Norway.

The regiment, which may be deployed to Afghanistan in November, took part in 12 days and nights firing hundreds of high explosive, smoke and illuminating rounds from their 105 mm light guns.

Mr Hughes, who went to Teesdale Comprehensive School in Barnard Castle, before enlisting in 2003, is responsible for sustained and effective gun fire.

The 20-year-old, whose father Les now lives in Darlington but mother Karen has stayed in Barnard Castle, said: "Extreme cold renders the simplest of jobs an epic. Conditions out here are challenging to say the least.

"But skills the army has provided have proved hugely satisfying and I'd recommend the life to anyone."