TWO grateful elderly patients of Kirkbymoorside's medical practice are to repay the kindness they were given by staging a fundraising event to buy equipment for the surgery.

Gwen Holmes and Mary Sellars, who live in Marton, are holding a coffee and tea evening at the village Mission Room at 7.30pm tomorrow.

They aim to raise enough money to buy equipment for use in the surgery, especially a high-back chair for elderly and disabled people.

"We have both been so appreciative of the care we have been given by the doctors and nurses at the surgery - they have been wonderful," said Mrs Holmes.

Both women are fully recovered after long term treatment.

Mrs Holmes, who had heart surgery in the 1990s, was well known for many years as organist at Marton Methodist Chapel and Sinnington Parish Church.

Mrs Sellars is secretary of the local Women's Institute.