AFTER launching his own successful Army career, a young soldier has returned to his Durham recruitment office to help persuade others to join the service.

Former New College student, Trooper Andrew Bowden, has spent several days at the Durham Army Office in to enlist new members to the ranks.

Tpr Bowden, 19, who comes from Brasside, in Durham, joined up at the Durham City office in August of last year and, having completed his basic training, has now qualified as a Scimitar tank driver.

But before joining the Light Dragoons, in Norfolk, the ambitious young soldier volunteered to travel full circle and return to his recruitment ground to pass on information of his own experiences to potential recruits.

When he is with his operational unit, he will be specialising in communication and driving, as well as maintaining armoured fighting vehicles.

An Army spokeswoman said yesterday: "Andrew has enjoyed his time in the army so much he wanted to let others in his local area know of the many opportunities available in the service.''