A GROUP that organises leisure activities for young people with learning disabilities had been awarded a grant of more than £43,000.

The money from the Northern Rock Foundation will help Durham Area Disability Leisure Group operate for the next three years.

Based in Chester-le-Street, it provides leisure and sports activities for families with disabled children, mostly those with learning disabilities including Downs syndrome and autism.

Activities include quad biking, archery, trampolining, cycling, crafts and theatre trips.

Group co-ordinator Lynne Watson said: "We are thrilled to hear we have got the money. It is fabulous news. We have had a difficult year and, thanks to private donations, we have been able to keep our projects going.

"This grant will give us continuity and stability. There are more projects we would like to start and this will help us achieve that."

The group is one of 13 organisations in the North-East and Cumbria to receive grants totalling £1,317,679, which was approved by the foundation.

Alastair Balls, chairman of the Northern Rock Foundation, said: "As the trustees consider the foundation's future direction, it's a good time to celebrate the work of those in whom we currently invest."